Legal & Testimonial Disclaimer
Individual results may vary, testimonials are not claimed to represent typical results.
All testimonials are from real patients, and may not reflect the typical patient’s experience, and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results.
Every person has a unique level of commitment, experiences, exercise habits, and eating habits, and applies the information in a different way. Thus, the experiences that we share from other people may not reflect the typical user's experience.
However, these results are meant as a showcase of what these patients have achieved.
You should not begin our program if you have a medical condition that precludes acupuncture or changes to nutritional or exercise habits.
Stillwater Acupuncture is a wellness clinic of Licensed Acupuncturists who provide guidance and treatment within the legal scope of practice as regulated by the Pennsylvania State Board Of Medicine.
Our advice is not a substitute for medical advice from a physician, and we do not diagnose medical conditions. Please consult a physician before beginning any exercise or diet program.
Individual results may vary, testimonials are not claimed to represent typical results.
All testimonials are from real patients, and may not reflect the typical patient’s experience, and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results.
Every person has a unique level of commitment, experiences, exercise habits, and eating habits, and applies the information in a different way. Thus, the experiences that we share from other people may not reflect the typical user's experience.
However, these results are meant as a showcase of what these patients have achieved.
You should not begin our program if you have a medical condition that precludes acupuncture or changes to nutritional or exercise habits.
Stillwater Acupuncture is a wellness clinic of Licensed Acupuncturists who provide guidance and treatment within the legal scope of practice as regulated by the Pennsylvania State Board Of Medicine.
Our advice is not a substitute for medical advice from a physician, and we do not diagnose medical conditions. Please consult a physician before beginning any exercise or diet program.